Investors Opportunities

Investors Opportunities

Key projects include but are not limited to:

  • Mkuze Regional Airport;
  • Jozini Hydro-electric Scheme;
  • Makhathini Flats Development (Sugarcane, fruit and vegetables production and processing)
  • Expanded timber production;
  • Fishing industry based on natural resource harvest supplemented by aquaculture;
  • Expanded ha under cashew and coconut production for processing of oils and nuts for export
  • Establishment of high value – up market anchor tourism sites to ‘trigger’ further structured investment

Emergency Numbers

Police: 035 573 1088/1080 or 10111
Clinic: 035 573 1082
Fire Department: 035 573 1080
Ambulance - EMRS: 035 573 9200

Contact Us

Address : Harlingen No. 13433, Kingfisher Road, Mkuze, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Email :
Phone : (+27) 0355738600
Fax Number: +27355731094